Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This document will define the scope of our discussion of SDLC.

We begin with the definition of the six primary classes of project artifacts.

1. Requirements
2. Specifications
3. Implementation
4. Test Plans and Automation
5. Test Results
6. Customer Reports

Requirements are documents that describe the initial or general goals of the software to be produced. These are written in a natural language (English in this case) by product management or a business process analyst. Requirements are typically based on intangibles like imagination and insight and form the primary reference documents for a project. These documents are used in turn by the engineering and documentation functions as the basis for more artifacts.

Specifications are engineering documents that describe architecture, design and development plans. These are written in a natural language by engineering management. They are based on requirements documents but include much more detail.

Implementation is produced by the engineering team from specifications and is typically in a language that can be interpreted and executed by a computer. Implementation artifacts are the tangible assets produced by the development process. Some of these assets are transferred from the development group to the customers in the form of a product or system.

Test Plans are produced by test engineering and serve as a framework for evaluation of the implementation. Test plans are based on both requirements and specifications, but not on the implementation.

Test Results are produced by test execution. Results are often in both natural language and machine-readable form.

Customer Reports are natural language documents created ad hoc as a result of the use of the implementation.

Backlog is orthogonal to the other six. It is a measure of the portion of the available artifacts (of any type) that has not yet been used to generate work or other results.

Many other useful terms will be defined in the discussion to follow. The six artifact classes stand out because they are well-understood and can be clearly defined. Most project documents belong in one of these classes.

Each of these artifact classes has a relationship to every other artifact class. Every one of these relationships will be explored at some point in the documents to follow.

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